High Pressure Homogenizer
What Can Be Benefited From The High Pressure Homogenizer?
When we talk about homogenizer, there are various words that pop up in our minds. Some of these are food, cosmetics, flavors, textiles, dairy, ice-cream, etc. Basically, the homogenizer is used for homogenizing products and for this purpose high-pressure is required to be exerted by the machines.
There are a number of advantages of a high-pressure homogenizer. This is because of its variant features and a wide range of application in different fields. This is a machine which is used almost everywhere in the world and Goma being the best supplier with an experience of more than three decades has been successful in supplying the best quality products. It has served and installed over two-hundred and fifty homogenizers throughout the world. It has now introduced new and modern homogenizers which can exert a pressure of about 2000 bar.
The advantages of using a high-pressure homogenizer
The best part of a homogenizer with high-pressure is the benefits it has to offer and there are several of them. One machine and so many applications! So, let’s go through the advantages first.
• Easy and great blending of different admixtures.
• Production at the lowest cost.
• Enhanced stability.
• Increase in the surface area.
• Active agents can be used without any difficulty.
• Equal density throughout.
• Viscosity control.
The advantages of using a homogenizer with high-pressure in the dairy industry are as follows: -
• The texture of the product is derived in a smooth form.
• Less tension of curd formation.
• Easy removal of the layer of cream.
• The taste gets better.
• Whipping can be done rapidly.
Features that add on to its advantages
• One “V” ring packing is available with the seal of the plunger.
• The homogenizing head is divided into two steps, namely, manual and operated hydraulically.
• Enhancement in the design of sanitary for CIP (cleaning in place).
• Safety measure for interlocking and mechanism for cooling down.
• Convenient maintaining with a crankcase that can be opened from the top.
The areas of its application
There are several sectors where high-pressure homogenizer is used for homogenizing various products. The industries which generally use this product are flavor industry, the pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry, and the cosmetics industry. The machine is mainly used for the following: -
Beauty creams, shampoo, liquid soaps, perfumes for nail enamels, toothpaste, flavors, formulations, syrups, antibiotics, vitamins, lotions, enzymes, ink, fuel oil, ointments, emulsions, grease, defoamer, adhesives, food colors, and many more.